The Performance you need
Designed for Loaders and Dumpers applications, the EMR tires are suitable for open pits and quarries, underground mines as well as general construction applications.
De instruções e aconselhamento a dicas e detalhes sobre os tamanhos, esses PDF abrangem toda a informação de que você necessita sobre a Série EMR.
High grip total control
Série EMR
O desempenho que você precisa
Dados técnicos
Grader\Loader Service
Tire size |
Tread pattern Type |
Rim (permitted) |
Overall Diameter (mm) | Section Width (mm) | Loaded static radius (mm) |
Rolling circumference (mm) |
Tread depth (mm) |
Service description LI/SS |
Tire load capacity (kg) at 40 (km/h) |
Tire pressure (bar) | Tire load capacity (kg) at 10 (km/h) |
Tire pressure (bar) |
14.00 R 24 | EMR 1025 TL |
8.00TG-24 SDC (10.00VA-24 SDC) |
1.373 | 378 | 616 | 4.090 | 24 | * 153 A8 |
3.650 |
3,75 |
17.5 R 25 | EMR 1025 TL |
14.00/1.5-25 (14.00/1.5x25 DC, 14.00/1.3x25 DC) |
1.350 | 446 | 613 | 4.009 | 28 | * 153 A8/176A2 |
3.650 |
3,00 |
7.100 |
4,50 |
*/** - Index of tire strength
Filme do Produto
Want to learn more about the features of the EMR Series? These product videos cover all the key details.
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